Not gonna write about my upcoming cosplays. Too tressfull. I need something DERPlicius. Soooooo. IT'S DERP PHOTO TIIIME! Meaning i show you guys my cosplay photos where i'm derping my ass off. You know those where your poker face falls off and someone takes a paparazzi picture of you that moment? And when you see it, you wanna just bury yourself somewhere dark and deeb. But i'm not ashamed of my derp pictures(anymore) So HERE I GO!! And please, if you have some of your OWN derplicius pictures, please show me!

Me cosplaying Paradise Kiss first time. Yukari. And my friend Janne (aka Elffi) as Tyki Mikk. I think this pretty normal derp mode.. but it's still derpy!

Another Tia Dalma picture and oh my god relly Derplicius! Never take a picture under your jaw and while you are laughing. I call my laughing face turtle-neck. When i laugh, i pull my face back. And even i would not have fat neck or loosy skin. It does look like it when i laugh like that. TURTLE NEECKKK!!

Okey. As you can see this isn't that derpy picture. Because you cant see my face. But why is this picture here then? You see the hand/wing over my head? Dosent it look like Elvis hairdo? YEAH. Thats why this is here. And not in DA or anything. The costume is Myntho (raven) from princess tutu. I had this costume on at Bakacon 2011.

Zombie Alice! I did a relly fast and relly derpy cosplay last year. I just felt like it. I did Americans Mg'neese Alice. The only alice i relly like. I dont relly like who they made a re-make or sequel to it too,...damn. But yeah! Not only my costume derper, the face was like OVER 9000 DERPLICIUS!!

This isn't so bad. But it is..From Desucon 2010. I cosplayd Morrigan from Darkstalkers. My friend stopped me to say hi. And take a picture. I lolled somereason..i thinked some middle aged otaku guy came over that moment. And at the same moment my other friend took this picture like NINJA PAPARAZZI. Damn you. My face has like mountains.
Okey. No more shame on me. Now it's shame on you! Please show me your Derplicius cosplay pictures!