sunnuntai 19. helmikuuta 2012

Kitacon part 2 and Euphemia cosplay.

I think i will continue this ..thing. Sharing my mind about my own cosplay, telling what went wrong and those thing i like.

So, as you know i cosplayed Euphemia from Code Geass at Kitacon. It was kinda spontaneous idea. Back in 2008 i wanted to cosplay her, but for many reasons i didnt. To be honest, i havent watched this anime...well..some clips. I'm relly bad to watch anime these days. But i do know facts about the character. And the storyline plaaplaaplaa.

So, i had this old wedding gown in my closet, that i bough from flee.-market in 2010. Havent used it after it, and it had so much fabrig, i relly wanted to it in pieces and use it. Ofcourse i just used the "wrong" side of the fabrig, the less blingy side. The little jacked and dress has made from same gabrig. The violet/pink/what ever color that is is made from thinner fabrig, i would have wanted better fabrig, but i dont wanna use blingy fabrig, or baby pink that many euphemia cosplayers had used. I dont see it that way in pictures. And the only fabrig in vaasa and Kemi's fabrig stores was only that fabrig..and coloring would orcourse been ok too, but..that kinda pastel color is hard to get.

I did had to fix the jacket few times...but it still didnt come out as i wanted! I would had more time, but i wanted to help my girlfriend with her FIRST COSPLAY costume, so my mind was on that. I promised to help her, and i did.

The wig was borrowed from my friend Minna, i didnt have time to order mine. It's not the perfect color, but Euphemias hair color does change time to time..I will use this cosplay again at Desucon where we have group. But i will fix the problems and order my own wig.

I did compete! But no, i didnt win. And i'm okey with it, i didnt go to Kemi because of Kitacon. I was there because i havent seen my girlfriend over 4months, that was the main idea. I did like the winners, right reasons they won, buut.. i do have opinion and two about the judges. Even thou they choosed the right winners...I dont wanna sound mean or wiseass right now, BUT.. i think judges should be cosplayers. And i know one of them atleast had cosplayd sometimes, not so often. But what about the others? Just because they know what is cosplay, is that enough? I just think judge should be a person who cosplays more than fe times and knows how much tears, blood and money people use. They had felt that all. I might be wrong, they might have cosplayd. So yeah.. gonna leave that topic there.

Haha, would it be good if they shared "most scars doing cosplay" prize?

I did had fun day, allthou me and my girldriend did sleep only 3 hours before it. We did stay there only about 4 hours i think, thired and bored we went back home to sleep. Before that we did get some kebab for me and pizza for her.

PPs: If some of the idiots stalkers are here right now, thinking to post something mean about my girlfriend being plus-size(fabulous woman with boobs and bum) cosplayer and eating a pizza, get a life. But if you are not, SEE YOU IN NEXT BLOG!

5 kommenttia:

  1. Tuomaristosta kommentti sinulla osuu kyllä niin oikeaan. Jokaisessa kilpailussa pitäisi olla vähintään yksi suht kokenut cosplay-harrastaja mukana. Tämän pitäisi olla niitä cosplay-kilpailun järjestämisen elinehtoja. Kokeneita cosareita pitäisi Suomesta löytyä ja rahapula ei varmasti ole ollut esteenä, vaan laiskuus, kuka asiaa on sitten hoitanutkaan.

    1. Mukavaa että joku on samaa mieltä, vaikka asiasta en tahdo alkaa pätemään.

  2. Komppaan rullarinkeliä, tuomareiden joukossa kuuluisi olla cossaajia. Muttta, kun kerta kijoitat englanniksi oletko ikinä harkinut että käyttäisit tekstisi oikoluettavana? Tekstin seassa on nimittäin aika paljon aika pahoja virheitä, esim useat sanat on kirjoitettu monesti väärin ja lauserakenteet ovat epäselvät.

    1. Kyllä olen, mutta joskus se tuppaa tietysti unohtumaan. Tiedän että englanninkieleni ei ole mitää herkkua kaikille, mutta koska minulla on jenkeissä ystäviä jotka pyysi että kirjoitan englanniksi, päätin ottaa sen riskin ja kirjoittaa. Toisin suomikaan ei ole minulla parasta koska on lukuhäiriö ollut pienestä saakka, joten ei se sen hääppöisempää olisi suomeksikan. Kirjoitan joskus turhan tiuhaan tahtia että sanat saattavat mennä solmuun. Valitan tästä kirjoitus erroristani ja kiitos vinkistäsi!

    2. Tähän aiheeseen viitaten, kannattaa hankkia Google Chrome, se näyttää automaattisesti jos sana on väärin kirjoitettu, auttaa elämää paljon, ja ainakin sanat on oikein kirjoitettu! :)
