I do photoshop all my pictures, but there are so many ways to photoshop. It's not always about correcting your skin, it can be about something in the background(like someone photopombing you) oe the light is not that good. (White palance sucks) And ofcourse you want good cosplay pictures, so just because you a photographer, the pictures might need extra help. There is always some little things you might have forgotted to hide or fix. I dont see any reason to shame about it, and neither should you!
I got few pictures from my friends and i have permission to use them. I'm not a professional or i dont claim to be one.
Lets see what i have done.

I edited the fence off, because it might looked like it didnt belong there.
I tried to take the blue/grey'is color off much as possible.
Made the colors pit more stronger

I hid the bold wig cap line.
Toned down the yellow color from skin
Fixed little pit the skin
Made the colors pit stronger

I hid the boob-tape
I hid the other eye(from a request. She sayd the eye looked pit crazy)
Made the colors stronger
Made some "shadows" around the picture for little atmosphere

Changed the background color(because the pink didnt relly go with the character)
Took of the white spots from shirt
Fixed the hands color to grey(sometimes the make up on your hand dosent stay all day)

From a request cutted down the nails
Edited the wristband off
Made the colors stronger
Softed some lines on face
And..the last one. I picked this one because..well..you'll see. I have this relly unique thing, that cant be removed by any lotion, or at normal skindoctor. Hard to tell now what it is, because i relly dont like talking about it. It is the ONE THING that makes me feel like i'm the ugliest person in the world. It can be fixed only with cosmetic surgery..and it's not free. So, before i have that mount of money do to so. I just have to pose with my other side, or....photoshop.

I dont think i have to tell you what i did..
The bloggers who gave me the pictures.
And thank you Xiaxue who inspirited me to do this topic.