As i promised, i will now talk about more closely about my
Desucon frostbite cosplays. One by one. I'll start with Blue and then the next one will be Shizuma.
Okey, how we start this thing...oh yeah.
Why i choosed to cosplay Blue?Personally, it took me a forever to start to watch the anime, i'm relly lazy and i..forget things. But i always liked the character desings BEFORE i even touched the serie. I fell in love Blue's look. Tanned skin, bright blue eyes.

Only thing i waited to cosplay her FOREVEERRRRR was the eyes. My eyes are almost black, and Blue is nothing without her blue eyes... And sadly i need relly strongly thick and higly pikmented contacts...But i did finally.
Why i cosplayd her now?Desucon frostbite is WINTER con, so i relly wanted cosplay something that goes with winter theme..and in the serie there is snow...alot of it. And this was low budjet cosplay. Then my close friend Johnny(Johanna) came to me and sayd, she could cosplay Hige. Now..Johnny hasnt cosplays sinze 2008, so this was a HUGE thing to me. And she's perfect Hige! And she lived in Kouvola wich is close to Lahti so..easy to come to Desucon frostbite.
How i made it?Dont kill me now..but i didnt do the jacket. Okey..i made SOME of it. I got this huge ass mens trench coat from fleemarket. It cost about 10€ It was beige, was very long..touching pretty much to the ground. Shouilders had these...thingies that i had to get rid off. And i cutted the sleeves and insert them back in. And ofcourse make it smaller. Because ...well, it was like a TENT. I had to also dye it ofcourse, I did use fabrig coloring, but i didnt get the color dark enough. It's not grey,m it's not black..or blue. It's like.......
99% black. 1%blue/grey. Finlly i used Palet's texile paint..... Yup. Pretty much i painted my jacket. The shoe coverins wehere and ASS to make...And i had to pretty much glue them on my skin to stay up. I reeeeeeeeeeeelly have to remake them....
ETCI was sad because so many Wolf's rain cosplayers usually go "lazy" with the effort. Not saying names or calling ugly things, but.... They usuallt think this serie is EASY TO COSPLAY, so..they get the costume pieces that are "something like that". And dont get some time to make then look close as possible..c'moon people D''8 So even thou i still have to fix this costume, i'm preeettyy happy with it. It dosent look "something like that" it looks
Blue. One of the rare coplays i'm actually broud off.

Me checking my contacts..they had a habbid to derp herp.
So..i relly had a good day cosplaying her! It was comfy costume and i loved my company <3